by:Quantum Mechanix
Don't you just hate it when your primary buffer panel falls off your gorram ship? Well, if you're a pilot, you know that the first thing that's going to happen is people (and when we say people, we mean captain-like people) will start asking you dumb questions like: "Was that the primary buffer panel?" Or the classic: "Did the primary buffer panel just fall off my gorram ship for no apparent reason?" And when you tell them that the lack of said primary buffer panel is going to contribute significantly to an interesting landing, there's no doubt that next thing out of your captain's mouth will be: "Define interesting." For the next time something like this happens to you, and you know it will, be prepared. Wear your official Serenity Define Interesting T-shirt and you won't have to look away from the controls and further shrink your miniscule chances for survival.